Baby Dedications
On baby dedication day, we introduce your baby to the faith community and commit to surrounding you with spiritual support.

Path to Kindergarten
On the Path to Kindergarten, we celebrate the wonder and curiosity of entering Elementary School.

Troop 45
As students enter Troop 45, we offer a fun environment where preteens learn to belong with a group of peers and make their faith their own.

Slime Sunday
On Slime Sunday, we celebrate the movement from childhood to adolescence by sliming your child. They will have fun and meet new friends as we welcome them into youth group.

Path to High School
As students enter High School, they face new challenges in their teenage years. We recognize this milestone by encouraging them to develop a faith that lasts.

Senior Sunday
On Senior Sunday, we welcome our graduating seniors into Christian adulthood, blessing them as they begin a new journey.