Join the Mission
How to become a partner at The Vineyard Church.
“I thank my God every time I mention you in my prayers. I’m thankful for all of you every time I pray, and it’s always a prayer full of joy. I’m glad because of the way you have been my partners in the ministry of the gospel from the time you first believed it until now. 6 I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus.”
Phllippians p 1:3–6.
Partnership is how things get done … how missions are accomplished. As we seek to be a community of God’s extravagant love and to be a faithful presence in our community that impacts lives, we invite you to join us.
Vineyard Newbie Lunch
The first step to becoming a partner is to participate in our Vineyard Newbie Lunch. Offered several times a year, this after church lunch is an introduction to The Vineyard Church.
You’ll discover opportunities to grow in your faith and to serve in ministries in the church.
This is a great place to not only learn about the church but to connect with other people in the church. You’ll meet and interact with the pastors and ministry leaders.
Partnership Covenant
In order to partner with the mission of The Vineyard Church I commit myself to the following practices:
I say “yes” to Jesus.
I am enthusiastically committed to following Jesus Christ as demonstrated by baptism in water and continued growth in personal, relational, and social holiness.
I am committed to this church’s expression of the body of Christ.
I am committed to the mission, values, priorities, and doctrine of the Sugar Land Vineyard.
I will worship with the church.
I am committed to attend worship regularly, in person or on-line.
I will participate regularly in a small group community.
I will join together with groups of other believers in this church community to intentionally engage my head, heart, and hands in service of Jesus.
I will give my time.
I will regularly and substantially participate in God’s mission by serving in the ministries of this church.
I will give financially.
I will give regular offerings and/or tithes to this church.