Sunday Mornings

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10:00 AM
In Person and Online

What to Expect

The Vineyard Church is a gathering of people who are on a journey. We are seeking to understand God’s vision for all people to experience God’s extravagant love. God’s love was most perfectly expressed through the life, death, & resurrection of Jesus (John 3:16). God has generously given us his Holy Spirit so that we might fully experience God’s love and live lives full of hope (Romans 5:5). These realities shape the kind of people we want to be. We want to be extravagant in our love of God and our love of people.

When you visit please stop by Guest Central. We would love to meet you!


Sunday Mornings are times when we gather to express our love to God, confess our need for him, be reminded of his faithfulness, better understand the story that he calls us into, and encourage each other on our journey with Jesus.


We serve communion every Sunday at The Vineyard. At the end of the worship service the congregation is invited to join in sharing communion together. Brief instructions are given and communion servers are stationed around the room. Bread, a symbol of the broken body of Jesus, and Wine/Juice, a symbol of Christ’s shed blood are offered to those we wish to receive communion. Communion is open for all who wish to participate.


An important part of each service is the presentation of a message centered on the Bible. Our presenters are experienced speakers who seek to understand what God’s Word is saying to us today so that we can live the kind of life God’s is inviting us into. A wide range of topics are explored. We seek to best understand the world and culture that we live in and the questions that arise from the challenges of our day.
We seek to engage the head, the heart, and the hands through the messages we present. That is, we hope to present informative and well crafted messages that help us think deeply about life and faith. We want to experience God and have our hearts stirred and transformed by what is presented. We also seek to understand how to best respond to what we hear by being challenged to engage our hands and ‘do the stuff’ of God’s kingdom.


We all find ourselves facing particular challenges in life. We believe God meets us as we present to him our needs and our struggles. Sometimes we experience God tugging at our hearts in worship or in the message. These are great times to allow one of our prayer teams to pray with you at the close of the service. Prayer teams will listen to your request and join with you in inviting God’s presence through his Holy Spirit to minister to us. Whether you just need a reminder of God’s love or you have a particular request, please don’t leave before getting prayer.

Worship Ministry Staff Contact

Dr. Kelly Edmiston

Lead Pastor